Sunday, November 17, 2013

Final Fantasy - Advent Children

Final Fantasy is a world renowned gaming franchise developed by SquareEnix. It had been going on for a while now, and the latest installment is Final Fantasy Vs 13. It's an Japanese RPG game series which has won the hearts of so many with its amazing story lines and unique gameplay elements. Japanese RPGs are quite different from other genres. It has a kind of monotonous gameplay when it comes to battles, but still every game can take you buy surprise with its beautifully developed characters, with unique traits, and character relationships and how the story unfolds around them. Like many RPGs it is not only about battles, the way you make decisions, affects the story in unprecedented ways. JRPGs kind of has a linear story, which is always so vivid and beautifully woven, that it proves you can trust only Japanese to come up with a wonderful story which is always unique and awesome.

One other notable feature is its music. They come up with the best music, and still the 80ies or 90ies JRPG sound tracks are still considered to be the best video game music of all time. In 2008, even though there are lot of new games to play, we played the 90ies JRPGs through a SNES simulator and its safe to say that we enjoyed them as much as any new game, maybe even more! One such game is Chrono Sphere, and its music is still very memorable to me. Seems like the internet agrees with me, that it got one of the best soundtracks.

Also played Final fantasy VI through the SNES simulator. I think I was able to finish it. One of the most memorable songs from it is the Opera Scene. I was so impressed by it, that through Midi sound technology they are able to make something so extravagant.

Isn't that just goddamn lovely!

Now to Final Fantasy VII. This is arguably the most favorite of the series for many. It's the first 3D game of the series, and must be one of the first 3D games ever. I was fortunate enough to play it at my age. But sadly could not complete it. It has left so much marks on the path of video game history. I will not be able to go into the whole story here. As a precursor to the movie, Cloud and Aries love is the most notable things which is referred repeatedly in the Movie. By the death of Aries is rated as one of the most saddest moments in video game history. I couldn't meet that moment in my play. But it claims that that moment has bought many to tears...

I've watched both versions of the movie, the Japanese audio version with English subs, and the English dubbed version. My most recent watch was the 1080p extended English dubbed version, which I specially downloaded, to watch in all its full HD splendor. The Rips don't do much justice though. Get the original BR if you are really interested. In any version though, the dialogues and the story doesn't make much sense. You have to have a firm handle on the whole backdrop of the situation and the extended version did help a little. There's the geostigma, and whatever the heck causes it, Mother, soldiers and whatnot. But it all makes sense at the end. What the viewers really care about is I think to see the characters they loved while playing the game doing all the fantastic things and kicking ass in the big screen. And from that end it delivered more than enough.

Tifa never fails to steal my heart though. I think she is one of the most beautiful, cute, sexy virtual girls there is. And got the moves too. Her battle in the church is one of the most awesome in the movie. There are a few glances of Aries in the movie and she is like an angel too. You only see her well in the extended version.

The battles, oh the battles, how marvellous they are! Correct me if I'm wrong, but I still believe that this got the greatest virtually created battles in movie making history. Every battle is absurdly astounding and carefully choreographed, you might actually want to slow down to get it all in. There's something about highway chases that makes the adrenaline rush, and Advent children nails it!

Must not let Sephiroth go unmentioned in a post about Final Fantasy. He is THE ULTIMATE BADASS. The elegant clothing, hair suitable for a L'Oréal advertisement, and of course the malevolent eyes, vibrant with pure EVIL. The Sephiroth song is fun too. Just the perfectly molded villain, Glad he was materialized in this movie.

I'm huge fan of this genre, but there aren't many movie in it. Please suggest in the comments if you know of anymore.

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