Saturday, September 21, 2013

Why the Interlude?

From childhood, we had lot of dreams, ambitions, but when you step in to adulthood, reality overthrows everything, and drags us back to our place. The apparent notions of success, superficial rules and conditions of proper conduct, changes our identities, our unique dreams. Ironically, they tell us to be ourselves, but as long as we fit inside the accepted mold which is created by the persons in charge. Hypocrites everywhere, with hardly any surprising element in their souls. We are all under the same spell, all driven to that 'success', the steady drone of life with hardly anything interesting. I am sometimes surprised how I've changed, how I almost lost my identity. I got a wakeup call, and was in desperation to grab back to that old self. To be myself again.

We tarry ourselves in the same problems of our lives, over-thinking, analyzing, because humans are overly concerned creatures by nature. Concerns leech our minds and souls when there's nothing else to focus on. Concerns of how different and how unfitting are we in that hypothetical social mold. Concerns of others that is pushed or pulled to us whether we like it or not. These bug us consistently, if we let them. Peace of mind is preached by many but harder to achieve than it sounds.  Nothing could ever be accomplished, or nothing good ever comes out of us embracing those concerns. That is why we need to let go. But not forever. We must be a part of that chaos of reality, for it is inevitable. That is why it only could be an Interlude.

I seek distractions from reality, when it can swerve my mind away from it. Fiction is the greatest form of distraction for me. We like to seek this imaginary stories of dreams, and characters and be involved in their lives for a change. Fantasies, Fictions, Art, music , all help me to bid a short farewell to that monotonous life. It doesn't always have to be happiness or glee, There's a bittersweet pleasure in sorrow. Depression derived from a work of fiction, is short felt but awakening. It makes me feel alive inside, the different kinds of emotions that the works of fiction gives us. Food for thought, although rare, can be found in the most insignificant of things. My attempt will be to carve out the essence from those distractions I enjoy, and try to share with this blog. 

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