Saturday, April 19, 2014

Clash of Kings - A Song of Ice and Fire (2)

I've been holding off reading this for quite some time. Further postponing was inevitable due to the start of the fourth season of HBO's Game of Thrones. Many spoilers are floating around and frankly thrown in my face by immature bigots. So might as well be caught up with the story through reading the books. No matter how awesomely the tv show is made, nothing can ever compare to reading the original source material. The problem is nobody has the time to go through the books. Some are tempted to just read the plot summary and know the story. Cannot emphasize more on how much they are missing. 

Some who read the Clash of Kings have stated that it was quite a drag. Have to agree with them. G.R.R Martin tends to get so descriptive about some of the most insignificant things sometimes. It is wonderful to dwell on each convoluted thought of the characters, if the time can permit that only. There is so much shit happening in Westeros, we can do without every dream the characters are having. They do give some perspective the TV show fails to give. However, is it necessary is the question. I had to skim through some long narrations, or lists descriptions about insignificant people. I mean, is it really necessary to name every person in a council or a battle. So much names its really hard to give a shit about everyone. Another thing is after you have watched the tv show, no matter how much u read the descriptions about appearances and attire, you will only imagine in your minds eyes and ears, what you have seen in the tv show. You will definitely read the dialogs in the voices of the actors who play those characters. So details as such, can be skimmed through.
If you thought that the tv show is brutal, the book is like hellish torture. Obviously the show has toned down the darkness drastically. That is one the most intriguing aspects for me when reading the books. G.R.R Martins imagination is twisted as fuck. As a huge Stephen King fan, that is an admirable quality as I see.

There were many parts or chapters I liked better in the book. One special chapter is Daenerys's journey through the undying halls. The visions she witnesses in the rooms is extravagant and revolting in some cases. This was not done right in the show. Some very important information for the future of the story is revealed here. Another awesome part is the battle of Blackwater bay. It was really well written and the minute details well written. The advance of Tyrion Lannister, births new found admiration for the imp and his courage. 

One thought that came to my mind is how feminists will hate this book. In Westeros, the place for women is very low indeed.  Rape and adultery is commonplace, women are rarely in "administrative positions". But that's the kind of fantasy world it is. It's just a part of how fucked up everything is. I guess no one is that absurd to hate the book for that reason only. Also, valar Morghulis, This will have severe ramifications as to the fate of Westeros will indeed lie on the hands of women. However, if you must, Let all men die, except Tyrion Lannister :). 

It was not that great a book. But the writing is especially fantastic. No one could write like G.R.R Martin, as far as I've seen. Because of that only, it is a recommended book. Moving on to Storm of Swords. Which I expect will be awesome with all the weddings and stuff...